"Miss Radical Chic”: A Satire of the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex.




The United States have provided significant support to Israel in developing a highly advanced military. As a consequence, Israel is now committing serious war crimes with the backing of the U.S. Among the various weapons supplied to Israel, F-35 fighter jets have become a central element of this satire.

In my design, I drew upon various generalized historical elements to create a humorous representation of the Western upper class. The garment is structured with pocket hoops and corsetry, featuring a specially crafted 1860s gored corset. This design was intentionally made to manipulate the body and accentuate the exaggerated female silhouette, creating a playful, cartoon-like effect that embodies the persona I aim to portray.

Additionally, my inspiration stems from the recent history of beauty pageants, combined with the iconic glamour of the Marilyn Monroe era—a time when America was at its culturally high point. This period represents the peak of vintage glam, yet it also brings to light the absurdity of idolization widespread within American culture.

Through this design, I explore the paradox of being an idol: the constraining pressures that accompany such status, the necessity of adhering to a strict set of societal expectations, and the experience of being treated like a puppet, where one's every action is orchestrated to serve and promote someone else's agenda. The culture of idolization in America has spread throughout the West, fueled by mainstream media and pop culture, leading to an extreme fetishization of American idols. These figures distract us from various issues, becoming icons not just in America but worldwide.

"Miss Radical Chic" serves as a satirical representation of the duality of American culture, juxtaposing vintage glamour, Hollywood, and a militarized state.




The brown project explored my relationship with the color brown and its various associations. My initial connection to this color was with soil — the most natural and neutral element, yet essential to life.

I began by researching different definitions of brown and how it serves as a symbol in various contexts. I discovered that in the Bible, brown symbolizes the earth and is often associated with a monk's robe, representing humility and God’s connection to the ordinary and commonplace. As humans, we constantly attempt to separate ourselves from nature, but we have evolved to a point where we may struggle to recognize our origins. Modern humans often find themselves at odds with their natural state. To express this idea, I aimed to create an animalistic representation of the human form by removing the soul from the body, leaving only what connects us to nature — the physical construction of our bodies. Just like everything else in nature, we grow, simply exist, decay, and ultimately return to the soil

Nora Granhaug-Jones 2025


Nora Granhaug-Jones 2025


Nora Granhaug-Jones 2025
